Compared to the other civilised species of Atala, the Grorc is a primitive creature that keeps to the fringes of civilisation, looking for opportunities to take advantage of its neighbours’ weaknesses. Though their society is rudimental, they have language and culture to a degree, and have been known to construct dwellings, which has been recorded, mainly, as a mating behaviour.
However, when a leader rises, ragtag bands of grorc can be transformed into fierce forces, known as “maws”. Around Atala several strongholds are led by fearsome bosses, however these tend to be mercurial and dissipate as fast as they form. But don’t be fooled, waiting for a maw to falter of its own accord would be unwise, especially with the formidable Spatt the Cut or Balagrinde the Kill leading the charge.

They are savage and many, infesting a region with haste. Most species deal with grorc incursions quickly for fear of being overcome.
Grorcs play differently to the other playable species in the game. If you enjoy wreaking havoc on your opponents' plans and strategies, this may be the species for you. They are a landslide of brutality, but do need protecting - the more casualties you suffer, the more likely they will flee.